BOSS Publications and Results
BOSS Overview Paper
The motivation for BOSS and an overview of target selection, survey design, and observing strategy are described in Dawson et al. 2013, The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III, published in the January 2013 issue of Astronomical Journal. A preprint-style PDF of the paper is available on this site.
DR12 Galaxy Clustering Science Results
Here we list the series of papers that comprise the final data analysis of the BOSS galaxy survey, with links to measurements, covariance matrices, likelihoods, and figures. For quick reference, all files can be found on the SDSS SAS here. These papers represent analysis of the "combined" sample of DR12 galaxies. Previous DR12 analyses (as well as the anlayses of data releases 9 through 11) split the BOSS galaxy sample into two main target classifications of LOWZ and CMASS.
DR12 Combined-Sample Concensus Results and Support Papers
The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological analysis of the DR12 galaxy sample.
Alam et al 2016 (alphabetically authored paper).
Gaussian likelihoods from the individual measurements of BAO and Full-shape analyses, and the final concensus likelihood, can be found here. A tarball of all figures presented in the paper can be found here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: combining correlated Gaussian posterior distributions.
Ariel Sanchez et al (2016).

DR12 Combined-Sample BAO Measurements (3 papers)
The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Observational systematics and baryon acoustic oscillations in the correlation function.
Ashley Ross et al (2016). Correlation function measurements, both pre- and post-reconstruction, and covariance matrices can be found here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in Fourier-space.
Florian Beutler et al (2016). Power spectrum measurements, pre- and post-preconstruction, covariance matrices and window functions, as well as selected figures can be found hereThe clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Theoretical Systematics and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Galaxy Correlation Function.
Mariana Vargas-Magana et al 2016 (to be submitted). Measurements and covariance matrices will be made available when the paper is submitted.
DR12 Combined-Sample Full-Shape Measurements (4 papers)
The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: On the measurement of growth rate using galaxy correlation functions.
Siddharth Satpathy et al (2016). Correlation function multipoles and covariance matrices can be found here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological implications of the configuration-space clustering wedges.
Ariel Sanchez et al (2016). Correlation function wedges and covariance matrices, as well as select figures, can be found here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications of the Fourier space wedges of the final sample.
Jan Grieb et al (2016). Fourier space clustering wedges, covariance matrices, window functions, and select figures can be found here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Anisotropic galaxy clustering in Fourier-space.
Florian Beutler et al (2016). Fourier space multipoles, covariance matrices, window functions, and select figures are here.
Other DR12 Combined-Sample Analyses
The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Angular clustering tomography and its cosmological implications.
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz et al (2016). Angular clustering measurements and covariance matrices are hereThe clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: tomographic BAO analysis of DR12 combined sample in configuration space.
Yuting Wang et al (2016). Measurements, errors, and other information can be found hereThe clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: tomographic BAO analysis of DR12 combined sample in Fourier space.
Gongbo Zhao et al (2016). Measurements, errors, and oother information can be found here.
DR12 LOWZ+CMASS Analyses
The Clustering of Galaxies in the Completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: single-probe measurements from DR12 galaxy clustering -- towards an accurate model.
Chia-Hsun Chuang et al (2016). Measurements, matrices, and other results from this paper are here.The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: double-probe measurements from BOSS galaxy clustering & Planck data -- towards an analysis without informative priors.
Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez et al (2016). Measurements, matrices, and other results from this paper are here.The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: baryon acoustic oscillations in the correlation function of LOWZ and CMASS galaxies in Data Release 12
Antonio Cuesta et al (2016). Measurements, covariance matrices, and select figures are here.The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: RSD measurement from the LOS-dependent power spectrum of DR12 BOSS galaxies
Hector Gil-Marin et al (2016a). Pre- and post-reconstruction measurments, covariance matrices, and select figures are available here.The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: BAO measurement from the LOS-dependent power spectrum of DR12 BOSS galaxies
Hector Gil-Marin et al (2016b). Pre- and post-reconstruction measurments, covariance matrices, and select figures are available here.
DR9 Galaxy Clustering Science results can be found here
DR10 and DR11 Galaxy Clustering Science results presented in BOSS publications
Below we list measurements, covariance matrices and analysis tools that have been presented and utilized in BOSS DR9 galaxy clustering papers. Unless specified, the covariance matrices for all measurements are calculated from the mock DR10/DR11 CMASS and LOWZ realizations, created using PTHalos, described in Manera et al. (2013). Please cite this paper if the errors are used in any analysis. All results from papers other than Anderson et al. (2013b) use pre-reconstruction galaxy catalogs.
For convenience, all the measurements and covariance matrices for DR10 and DR11 results can be found in a single directory on the Science Archive Server here. The DR10 large-scale structure files on which the DR10 results are based are publicly available from the SAS here. The datamodels for these files can be found here.
Results from Anderson et al. (2013b): BAO results from CMASS and LOWZ, from both DR10 and DR11 samples. Results pre-reconstruction and post-reconstruction are listed. Files are:
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_power_spectrum_pre_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_power_spectrum_pre_recon_cov.dat (covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_power_spectrum_post_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_power_spectrum_post_recon_cov.dat (covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_power_spectrum_pre_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_power_spectrum_pre_recon_cov.dat (covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_power_spectrum_post_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_power_spectrum_post_recon_cov.dat (covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_corrfunction_x0x2_postrecon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_corrfunction_cov_x0x2_postrecon.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_corrfunction_x0x2_prerecon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_corrfunction_cov_x0x2_prerecon.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_corrfunction_x0x2_postrecon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_corrfunction_cov_x0x2_postrecon.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_corrfunction_x0x2_prerecon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_corrfunction_cov_x0x2_prerecon.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_wedges_post_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_wedges_post_recon_cov.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_wedges_pre_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR10_wedges_pre_recon_cov.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_wedges_post_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_wedges_post_recon_cov.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_wedges_pre_recon.dat
- Anderson_2013_CMASSDR11_wedges_pre_recon_cov.dat (Covariance matrix)
- Results from Beutler et al. (2013): Redshift-space distortions in DR11 CMASS power spectra multipoles. Files are:
- Beutler_et_al_2013_ps_cmass_DR11v1_NGC_111_212_114_Yamamoto_16000000_2000.dat NGC multipoles.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_cov_DR11b_QPM_NGC_999.dat NGC covariance matrix using QPM mocks.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_ps_cmass_DR11v1_SGC_84_163_86_Yamamoto_5000000_2000.dat SGC multipoles.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_cov_DR11b_QPM_SGC_999.dat SGC covariance matrix using QPM mocks.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_window1D_cmass_DR11v1_NGC_111_212_114_Yamamoto_50000_800_normalised.dat NGC window function.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_window2D_cmass_DR11v1_NGC_111_212_114_Yamamoto_50000_80_800_normalised.dat NGC window function.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_window1D_cmass_DR11v1_SGC_84_163_86_Yamamoto_60000_800_normalised.dat SGC window function.
- Beutler_et_al_2013_window2D_cmass_DR11v1_SGC_84_163_86_Yamamoto_60000_80_800_normalised.dat SGC window function.
- A tarball of all figures and data from Beutler et al. can be found here.
- Results from Chuang et al. (2013): Single-probe analysis of DR11 CMASS and LOWZ correlation function mutlipoles. Files are:
- CMASSDR11_Chuang_2013_monopole.dat.
- CMASSDR11_Chuang_2013_quadrupole.dat.
- CMASSDR11_Chuang_2013_monopole_quadrupole_inverse_covariance_32to200.dat.
- CMASSDR11_Chuang_2013_monopole_quadrupole_inverse_covariance_56to200.dat.
- LOWZDR11_Chuang_2013_monopole.dat.
- LOWZDR11_Chuang_2013_quadrupole.dat.
- LOWZDR11_Chuang_2013_monopole_quadrupole_inverse_covariance_32to200.dat .
- Results from Samushia et al. (2013): Redshift space distortions in the CMASS DR11 correlation function multipoles. Files are:
- Results from Sanchez et al. (2013): Analysis of the DR11 CMASS and LOWZ clustering wedges. Files are:
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR10_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_clustering_wedges_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon.dat.
- CMASSDR11_sanchez_2013_correlation_function_pre_recon_covariance.dat.
- A tarball of all figures from Sanchez et al. can be found for png format and for postscript format
CosmoMC Modules - DR11 results
- Patch to incorporate the Anderson et al. (2013b) measurement of the anisotropic reconstructed BAO feature for both CMASS and LOWZ galaxy samples [file], with README file.
Figures from BOSS Science Results
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Samushia et al. (2013): Two-dimensional correlation function of DR11 CMASS galaxies in BOSS. Colors indicate amplitude of the corelation function. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): BAO Hubble diagram DV(z), overlaid with Planck flat ΛCDM prediction. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): BAO Hubble diagram DV(z) divided by the Planck flat ΛCDM best-fit. This version only shows the ΛCDM prediction region. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): BAO Hubble diagram DV(z) divided by the Planck flat ΛCDM best-fit.This version shows the ΛCDM, OCDM, wCDM prediction regions. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): Power spectrum of CMASS DR11 galaxies, divided by a smooth, no-BAO power spectrum. Solid curve is the best-fit model. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): Power spectrum of LOWZ DR11 galaxies, divided by a smooth, no-BAO power spectrum. Solid curve is the best-fit model. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): Correlation function of DR11 CMASS galaxies, pre-reconstruction. Solid curve is the best-fit model. |
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Anderson et al. (2013b): Correlation function of DR11 CMASS galaxies, post-reconstruction. Solid curve is the best-fit model. |
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Beutler et al. (2013): Power spectrum monopole and quadrupole of CMASS DR11 galaxies, presented for both NGC and SGC regions. Solid curves are the best-fit model. |
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Beutler et al. (2013): Constraints on the Ωm-σ8 plane. |
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Chuang et al. (2013): Constraints on the growth rate of structure, fσ8, as a function of redshift. |
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Chuang et al. (2013): Constraints on the growth rate of structure, fσ8, and w, the equation of state of dakr energy. |
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Sanchez et al. (2013): Measurements of the CMASS and LOWZ DR11 clustering wedges. The two sets of data points are the transverse and line-of-sight wedges. Solid curves are the ΛCDM predictions. |
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Sanchez et al. (2013): Constraints in the Ωm-w plane combining CMB data with BOSS clustering data. |
Published BOSS Science Papers
Title | First Author | Journal |
Cross-correlation of SDSS DR7 Quasars and DR10 BOSS Galaxies: The Weak Luminosity Dependence of Quasar Clustering at z ~ 0.5 | Y. Shen | 2013ApJ...778...98S |
Stellar velocity dispersions and emission line properties of SDSS-III/BOSS galaxies | D. Thomas | 2013MNRAS.431.1383T |
Measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyman-α forest fluctuations in BOSS data release 9 | A. Slosar | 2013JCAP...04..026S |
The Clustering of Galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Luminosity and Color Dependence and Redshift Evolution | H. Guo | 2013ApJ...767..122G |
Baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyα forest of BOSS quasars | N. G. Busca | 2013A&A...552A..96B |
Fitting methods for baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyman-α forest fluctuations in BOSS data release 9 | D. Kirkby | 2013JCAP...03..024K |
The BOSS Lyα Forest Sample from SDSS Data Release 9 | K.-G. Lee | 2013AJ....145...69L |
Luminosity function from dedicated SDSS-III and MMT data of quasars in 0.7 < z < 4.0 selected with a new approach | N. Palanque-Delabrouille | 2013A&A...551A..29P |
Evolution of the most massive galaxies to z ~ 0.6 - II. The link between radio AGN activity and star formation | Y.-M. Chen | 2013MNRAS.429.2643C |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III DR9 Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: testing deviations from Λ and general relativity using anisotropic clustering of galaxies | L. Samushia | 2013MNRAS.429.1514S |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: the low-redshift sample | J. K. Parejko | 2013MNRAS.429...98P |
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III | K. S. Dawson | 2013AJ....145...10D |
Investigating emission-line galaxy surveys with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey infrastructure | J. Comparat | 2013MNRAS.428.1498C |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III DR9 Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity | A. J. Ross | 2013MNRAS.428.1116R |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: a large sample of mock galaxy catalogues | M. Manera | 2013MNRAS.428.1036M |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: ninth data release | I. Pâris | 2012A&A...548A..66P |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: baryon acoustic oscillations in the Data Release 9 spectroscopic galaxy sample | L. Anderson | 2012MNRAS.427.3435A |
Clustering of Sloan Digital Sky Survey III Photometric Luminous Galaxies: The Measurement, Systematics, and Cosmological Implications | S. Ho | 2012ApJ...761...14H |
The large-scale cross-correlation of Damped Lyman alpha systems with the Lyman alpha forest: first measurements from BOSS | A. Font-Ribera | 2012JCAP...11..059F |
Column density distribution and cosmological mass density of neutral gas: Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III Data Release 9 | P. Noterdaeme | 2012A&A...547L...1N |
Spectral Classification and Redshift Measurement for the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey | A. S. Bolton | 2012AJ....144..144B |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurements of the growth of structure and expansion rate at z = 0.57 from anisotropic clustering | B. A. Reid | 2012MNRAS.426.2719R |
Broad Absorption Line Disappearance on Multi-year Timescales in a Large Quasar Sample | N. Filiz Ak | 2012ApJ...757..114F |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological implications of the large-scale two-point correlation function | A. G. Sánchez | 2012MNRAS.425..415S |
The BOSS Emission-Line Lens Survey. II. Investigating Mass-density Profile Evolution in the SLACS+BELLS Strong Gravitational Lens Sample | A. S. Bolton | 2012ApJ...757...82B |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measuring structure growth using passive galaxies | R. Tojeiro | 2012MNRAS.424.2339T |
The clustering of intermediate-redshift quasars as measured by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey | M. White | 2012MNRAS.424..933W |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: analysis of potential systematics | A. J. Ross | 2012MNRAS.424..564R |
The progenitors of present-day massive red galaxies up to z ≈ 0.7 - finding passive galaxies using SDSS-I/II and SDSS-III | R. Tojeiro | 2012MNRAS.424..136T |
Evolution of the most massive galaxies to z= 0.6 - I. A new method for physical parameter estimation | Y.-M. Chen | 2012MNRAS.421..314C |
The SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Quasar Target Selection for Data Release Nine | N. P. Ross | 2012ApJS..199....3R |
The BOSS Emission-Line Lens Survey (BELLS). I. A Large Spectroscopically Selected Sample of Lens Galaxies at Redshift ~0.5 | J. R. Brownstein | 2012ApJ...744...41B |
Ameliorating systematic uncertainties in the angular clustering of galaxies: a study using the SDSS-III | A. J. Ross | 2011MNRAS.417.1350R |
The Lyman-α forest in three dimensions: measurements of large scale flux correlations from BOSS 1st-year data | A. Slosar | 2011JCAP...09..001S |
The Clustering of Massive Galaxies at z ~ 0.5 from the First Semester of BOSS Data | M. White | 2011ApJ...728..126W |