The SDSS-III APOGEE Spectroscopic Pipeline
Detailed descriptions of the APOGEE pipeline reduction steps are provided on other pages:
Here, we provide references to papers that give additional details, and a table of the files associated with that step of the pipeline that can be found in the SAS. These tables include links to the file format documentation (the "data model") and templates which can be used to generate SAS URLs for those files. The templates are in "C printf" format, and can be used in C, bash, Python, and many other languages to automatically generate URLs.
Most of the catalog data (but not the spectra themselves) have been loaded into the Catalog Archive Server (CAS) database. Users are often better off obtaining SDSS data through a carefully constructed CAS query than they are downloading the data files from the SAS. Simple queries can be used to select just the objects and parameters of interest, while more complex queries can be used to do complex calculations on many objects, thereby avoiding the need to download the data on them at all.
APOGEE Raw Data Collection
File Type | in/out | Description | URL format | format parameters |
Log file | out | records exposures collected on a night | Not public | |
apR | out | raw spectroscopic data frames |
sdss/spectro/data/%d/apR-%c-%08d.apz |
mjd, detector (a,b,or c), exposure id |
APOGEE Spectroscopic Data Reduction
Visit reduction pipeline (apred)
References: Nidever et al., in prep
The apred pipeline reads science and calibration exposures from the spectrographs, reduces and calibrates the science exposures, extracts the one dimensional spectra from the two dimensional exposures, corrects for sky emission and telluric absorption, stacks multiple dithered exposures into well-sampled spectra, and produces corresponding masks and noise estimates.
File Type | in/out | Description | URL format | format parameters |
apPlan | in | the apred processing plan | sdss/spectro/redux/%d/%04d/apPlan-%04d-%05d.par | rerun, plate, plate, mjd |
plPlugMapM | in | records which fiber corresponds to which hole in a plate (and therefore objects, and what coordinates on the sky) | Not public | |
apR | in | raw spectroscopic data frames | sdss/apogee/data/%d/apR-%c-%08d.apz | mjd, chip (a, b, or c), exposure id |
apCFrame | out | calibrated spectra for a single CCD and exposure | sdss/apogee/redux/%s/plates/%04d/%05d/apCFrame-%c-%08d.par | apred_vers, plate, mjd, chip (a, b, or c), exposure id |
apPlate | out | the 300 combined flux- and wavelength-calibrated spectra over all exposures (potentially spanning multiple nights) for a given mapped plate | sdss/apogee/redux/%s/%04d/apPlate-%04d-%05d.fits | run2d, plate, plate, mjd |
apVisit | out | thecombined flux- and wavelength-calibrated spectra over all exposures (potentially spanning multiple nights) for a given object on a given plate/MJD | sdss/spectro/redux/%s/%04d/apVisit-%04d-%05d-%03d.fits | run2d, plate, plate, mjd |
Stellar combination pipeline (apstar)
APOGEE Stellar Parameters and Chemical Abundances Pipeline (aspcap)
References: Garcia-Perez et al, Mezsaros et al., Shetrone et al.
The ASPCAP stellar parameters pipeline produces a number of files, stored together:
File Type | in/out | Description | URL format | format parameters |
aspcapField | out | ASPCAP stellar parameters ([Fe/H], log g, etc.) | sdss/apogee/%s/%s/%s/%s//aspcapField-%04d.fits | APRED_VERS, APSTAR_VERS, ASPCAP_VERS, RESULTS_VERS, LOCID |
aspcapStar | out | ASPCAP stellar parameters | sdss/apogee/%s/%s/%s/%s/LOCID/aspcapStar-%s-%04d.fits | APRED_VERS, APSTAR_VERS, ASPCAP_VERS, RESULTS_VERS, RESULTS_VERS, LOCID |