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Extracting PSF Images

Generic Code to Reconstruct the PSF

The PSF reconstruction can be performed without any specialized tools.

To read the psf info from a psField file for the r band, read extension 3:

    IDL> pstruct = mrdfits(psfield_file, 3)

(recall u,g,r,i,z == 0,1,2,3,4 so just add one to the index).

The resulting structure can then be used to reconstruct the image. The following IDL code, taken from the SDSSIDL routine "", demonstrates the algorithm to reconstruct the PSF at location (row,col) in the field.

    ;assumes they are the same for each eigen
    ;so only use the 0 one


    for i=0l, nb-1 do coeffs[i]=(row*rcs)^(i mod nrow_b) * (col*rcs)^(i/nrow_b)

    for j=0,2 do begin
        for i=0l, nb-1 do begin
            ecoeff[j]=ecoeff[j]+cmat(i/nrow_b,i mod nrow_b,j)*coeffs[i]
    psf = (pstruct.rrows)[*,0]*ecoeff[0]+$

Stand Alone Code

We have also created a standalone code that serves to both read them and as a template library for inclusion in other codes. The code is available as: readAtlasImages-v5_4_11.tar.gz.


1. % make clean

2. % make

If you are on a big-endian machine, remove -DSDSS_LITTLE_ENDIAN from CFLAGS in the Makefile.


% read_PSF -h
Usage: read_PSF [options] input-file hdu output-file
Your options are:
       -?      This message
       -h      This message
       -i      Print an ID string and exit
       -v      Turn up verbosity (repeat flag for more chatter) 

To reconstruct the z PSF (i.e. the 5th HDU) at the position (row, col) = (500, 600) from run 1336, column 2, field 51 you'd say:

%  read_PSF 5 500.0 600.0 

The desired PSF would appear as an unsigned short FITS file in; the background level is set to the standard `soft bias' of 1000. If you want a floating image, change a line in the read_PSF.c; look for

        /* create a float region */

Developer Comments

The standalone programs read_atlas_image (reads fpAtlas files) and read_mask (reads fpM files) are similar. All three are built by the same 'make' command.

I don't expect that many users will actually want to use the read_PSF executable (although it is perfectly functional). The main use of the product will probably be to link into custom built executables that need to process atlas image data. I believe that the code should be easily reused for this purpose.